Suffolk Developers - Refactoring towards more maintainable JavaScript - Matt Miller

Our thanks go out to Matt Miller for his incredible talk. You can watch the video below, enjoy!

The Talk:

After years of working on various projects and constant self education from various sources I've developed my own ever evolving set of opinions on how to write "Good Code" that others won't dread working on. This talk will be the culmination of my opinions so far in the hopes to show others some new ways of thinking about their code and how it grows and changes over time.

✔ Identify and name "code smells" as they relate to JS.
✔ Working definitions for what maintainable code and refactoring even means today.
✔ Strategies for taking those identified code smells and refactoring them towards something more maintainable.
✔ Lessons we can learn from other language communities.
✔ Hopefully some live coding 🤞

About Matt Miller:

I'm a full stack web developer who made it here after dabbling in game and iOS development. I've spent the last 5 years of my career since graduating working on short term & long term projects and projects that were meant to be short term but inevitably grew into long term ones. I currently work for Pebble TV as a full stack dev working on web front end to simplify usage of our broadcast automation software. My range of experiences has given me multiple perspective on joining, extending and improving long term web applications.


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