SIMS - Facebook Advertising Doesn’t Work

Thank you for Tony Southgate for his talk on Facebook Advertising Doesn’t Work.

The Talk:

If you have run Facebook ads and it hasn't worked, this is the talk for you, Tony will run through why Facebook ads don't work and what you can do to fix it.

✔ Reasons why Facebook ads don't work anymore
✔ Highlight why things are different to how they used to be
✔ What you are doing wrong
✔ What is missing
✔ What the common mistakes are so you can make it right
✔ In addition, we will cover setting goals, KPI's measurement, audiences, and ad creative.

About Tony Southgate:

I am the Digital Director for GLO - Generate Leads Online Limited. My background is in digital marketing with agency, brand and publisher. This includes running campaigns and learning and development - training staff in digital marketing. I am an experienced speaker and writer of digital marketing content. I am passionate about closing the digital skills gap, and educating people in digital marketing so they can hold the companies they work with accountable.

At GLO we use a unique combination of data, technological knowledge, and creative flair to establish and transform business’ online presences, taking them from underwhelming to outstanding at lightning speed. Our team are experts in their craft – delivering bespoke, insights-driven digital marketing solutions to satisfied clients on a regular basis.


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