SYNCIpswich - Introduction to 5G and Cloud Native

We would like to thank Paul Graham who gave a talk about 5G and Cloud Native.

The Talk:

Introduction to 5G and Cloud native technology then how it's relevant to IOT, AI and applied to a sector such as agriculture. I will cover the evolution from previous generations of mobile technology, then the fundamentals of 5G and how it uses Cloud Native concepts. Kubernetes, containerisation and webscale technology will be discussed. This will lead into Internet of Things and why 5G is important. A brief intro to AI concept and finally an example of how it can be applied to Agritech.

Topics we will cover:

✔ Cloud Native
✔ 5G
✔ AI
✔ Agritech

About Paul:

Director of UK Engineering for Matrixx software. Matrixx supply real-time charging software to mobile operators and are currently leaders in the 5G and Cloud Native space.


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